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At Fingerprints we want your family to feel like part of our family. We want to get to know you and you to know us. We are privileged to share your child’s learning journey. Open, meaningful communication is an essential part of our programme. Any concerns should be brought to the attention of the Centre Team Leader or Director, who will deal with them promptly. Teachers are usually called by their first name by the children, sometimes by a title first; such as Miss or Mr. ….. Our Director is usually known as ‘Miss or Mrs. Hilary’ to the children as we build the understanding and role model respect of elders to our Tamariki/Tamaiti. We hope that the following mechanisms for communication will help us build a relationship with you and your whānau and ensure that you feel welcome at Fingerprints.

Pre start visits
We are available to meet and discuss with you your needs and introduce you to our Preschool. Please call to arrange a time to ensure that we can give you our full attention.

Learning journals and art
Each child has a Learning Journal in which teachers record some of your child’s learning experiences, development and growth as well as their special achievements. In the front of each journal we include details you have provided about your child’s likes etc. and an explanation of your aspirations for the journal. Please feel free to add to your child’s book, this is their story and memories to keep for a lifetime. Your child’s journal may also be shared with you electronically. Unless you request otherwise, journals are displayed in the Preschool and you are welcome to take it home overnight. We do ask that you tell us when you are taking your child’s book home and return as soon as possible in order for our kaiako to update their assessment stories. We have an art file which should be checked on a regular basis so you can take home the exciting creations your child has made.

Newsletters and Fingerprints Facebook page
We will send out newsletters and information as it occurs in emails or on our private Face Book page. Details of upcoming events and a record of significant milestones for the Preschool. Fingerprints has a private Facebook page only for “whānau”. Photos of children in our care are posted regularly on this page, so you the parents/whanau can see the positive learning outcomes of your child’s journey at preschool. The privacy settings on the page do not allow parents to share the image. A tag of the parents name will only be placed on the child’s photo if there is only one child involved. If a parent wants a copy of an image, permission is to be sought first. Our facebook page includes links to newsletters, notices and policies. Parents agree to adhere to given guidelines when signing the Enrolment Form. Parents will be removed as “friends” from the Facebook page when their child leaves Fingerprints.

Parent and whānau participation
We invite your participation in our program. We also welcome whānau sharing any special skills or talents. These could include sharing a different language, pets, an electronic skill, bathing a new baby etc. We appreciate any assistance you may be able to offer for organised outings. We expect to have approx 3-4 occasions throughout the year where parents and/or children share a special gathering together. There may be more should there be an event or reason to come together. There may be a number of formats, for example, a fish and chip gathering, or an informative parent evening, Christmas, Easter or a morning tea celebrating mums or dads or teachers!! We hope your family will be able to join us on these occasions. These are a great way to meet other families at Fingerprints and spend time with us. Unless you request otherwise we allow parents to pop a note into another child’s cubby asking to share details or asking if a playdate with other children would be possible. We encourage all people coming to Fingerprints to take the opportunity to introduce themselves to one another. We will only pass details on to other families at your request and with permission.

We love to acknowledge celebrations. Children’s birthdays and special occasions will be celebrated with our playdough birthday cake and a birthday card during our morning Hui (usually) whanau are very welcome to join us for this. We do not require food from home to be brought in for these special occasions. For a child's last birthday (turning 5) we also welcome whanau. This is a slightly more special occasion, when the child receives their first Diploma! For successfully completing preschool and a bible from their teachers.

Notice boards/parent information
We have pamphlets on a variety of topics in our parent library under the parent notice board, a copy of the licensing criteria, the current early childhood regulations, and the New Zealand early childhood curriculum document Te Whāriki, a copy of our most recent Education Review Office Report and Financial Information (detailing the amounts and expenditure of funding provided by the Ministry of Education). If you would like to borrow a book in the parent library please let a teacher know. If you would like to display anything on a notice board or add to our parent library please discuss this with the Team Leader, Administrator or Director first.

Planned reviews and consultation
Fingerprints will regularly inform parents of policies recently reviewed and make a copy of these policies available either on the sign in desk, foyer or Facebook page. Input, comments and feedback will be invited from parents and staff. These will be considered by the Director/Team Leader/Service Provider in consultation with the staff team. Feedback to parents/whānau may be provided via notices on Facebook or emails. A questionnaire for whanau/parents feedback will be conducted as needed.

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